Thursday, February 2, 2017

Top Ten Things I Learned In Saudi Arabia

I've learned a lot of things in three years of living in Saudi Arabia, but here are my top ten.

1. Inshallah is such a magical word.
    This has to be my favorite Arabic word. It can mean so many things, and you can use it in a variety of situations.

Are you going to the meeting? Inshallah. Is my mother OK? Inshallah. Will my mother be OK? Inshallah. Please get me a copy of the medical report. Inshallah. TRANSFER THE PATIENT NOW! Inshallah. 

"Inshallah" actually means "God willing". But it can also mean "yes", "no" or "maybe". It all depends on the situation. So, how can you be sure what the person actually means? You can never.

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